Bible Stories for Adults No. 17

By James Morrow, first published in 1988 in Full Spectrum by Bantam Spectra. Set of manuscripts and letters pertaining to this Nebula Award winning short story. First draft printout and second draft printout photocopy, both 17 pages, both with holographic corrections by the author. Along with corrected galley proofs and several original letters, for a total of 11 items, each signed and dated, and each described in a two-page letter of provenance from the author. An interesting example of the evolution of a story. Includes the original mailing envelope from the author to a well-known book dealer.

James MorrowJames Morrow

Letter of provenance from the author; a list of the contents with explanations.

James Morrow

Printout of author James Morrow's letter to Lou Aronica and Shawna McCarthy, dated July 8, 1987, proposing a story about Noah for Full Spectrum. The final story differs significantly from this plan, During the course of composition, the author decided to make the castaway a viewpoint character, focusing as much on her as on Noah.

James Morrow

Original of McCarthy's reply, dated July 24, 1987.

James Morrow

Printout of the first draft of the story, with holographic corrections by the author.

James Morrow

Printout of the 'chronology' the author used in structuring the story, including his holographic additions.

James Morrow

Photostatic copy of the second draft of the story, with holographic corrections by the author.

Printout of letter the author wrote to Aronica and McCarthy on October 5, 1987, after receiving a postcard from them saying the story was being held for further consideration.

James Morrow

Original of Aronica's reply, dated October 13, 1987, accepting the story.

James Morrow

Photostatic copy of the second draft of the story with holographic comments by the author's friend, science-fiction writer David Alexander Smith.

James Morrow

Printout of David Alexander Smith's reaction to the story, dated November 4, 1987, with holographic comments by the author (such as, on page 4, 'I disagree completely').

James Morrow

Printout of the version of the story sent to Bantam Books for copy editing.

James Morrow

Photostatic copy of the galleys, including a few last-minute word changes by the author.

James Morrow

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